Trinity - Raise the Bar Piano - Grades 6 to 8
Raise the bar is a series of books showcasing favourite repertoire from past Trinity exam syllabuses. Each book contains an appealing selection of pieces pitched at a particular difficulty level, featuring music from a range of styles and periods. Designed for use alongside exam preparation or simply for pleasure, the book provides an essential resource for musicians looking to broaden their repertoire.
Grade 6:
- Courante (Lully)
- The Little Windmills(Couperin)
- Sonata in B (Cimarosa)
- Versohnung (Reger)
- Songs Without Words in C Minor (Mendelssohn-Bartholdy)
- Piece No. 5 from Five Miniature Pieces (McGuire)
- Toccata in A (Paradies)
- La Sarabande (Grovlez)
- Piece no. 11 from Visions Fugitives (Prolofieff)
- Allegro (Kabalevsky)
- Study (Harris)
Grade 8:
- Serenata (Albeniz)
- Resignation (Reger)
- Las zapatillas del torero (Turina)
- Klavierstuck (Webern)
- Prelude (Hengeveld)
- Nova Loutka (Martinu)